Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family Cooking Photo Essay

(I used some cream to make the whipped cream)
(I then added 1/4 a cup of sugar)
(Next I whipped it up)

(Then added some pistachio pudding)

(and some mango with a banana)

(The end)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie Review

We just recently watched the Hunger Games as a field trip after reading the book in class. I feel that in many ways the story was way better than the film.

First of all, the way that the book described district 12 was a coal based run down dark place but in the movie it seemed to have a bright country feel to it. I also felt like the people were a little to cheerful in the movie, rather than them being depressed like I pictured. Also the people in the district such as Katniss and her family are supposed to be starved and hungry but in the movie they looked pretty well fed. There were also some scenes such as the reaping were it was by far nothing like I imagined. I thought it would be a place where everyone is murmuring and whispering and hushing and pacing around in nervousness and I thought it would be high tech since it takes place in the future.Though instead, it was quite and awkward and the setting was really plain and it just felt like a home video because of the shakey camera and no background noise.

Another major thing was the scenes they left out. There were so many that I can't name them all. One scene was with the Avox girl which in the movie, they completely left her out. She was a girl who was trying to exscape, got caught, and became a servant for Katniss. One scene that I was rely looking forward to was when Haymitch fell off the stage at the reaping because that woe of added some humors and added some action to the plain setting.

However, what really bugs me is that they wasted so much time on things that weren't important or didn't even happen in the book. For example, they spent about five minutes showing Katnis in her room at the Capitol while they could of been showing something way interesting and eye catching.

Overall, they did a pretty good job on the movie especially with the main character actors, however they could of done better. They should of added more favorable scenes rather than bland situations and they should of related to the book. So honestly, I would much rather prefer the book over the movie.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The Great Wall Of China

Today in class we watched a video on the Great wall of China. I was able to refresh past information and I was able to learn two new things. First of all, a learned that the wall wasn't built all at once, it was actually a connection of all ready made pieces. I also learned that the myth that you can see the Great Wall from space is not true. I think that makes since though because it is only as tall as some building which obviously cant be seen. I'm glad we could watch this video because thios is a really interesting topic!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

24 Hour Photo Diet

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The Hunger Games Ch. 22-24

            How do you feel about the character at this point in the book?
Right now, my heart is beginning to soften up towards Peeta. I feel that ever since the beginning of the reaping he has always been used and neglected and turned away from the time his mom said she thought district twelve would have a winner when she was talking about Katniss to the time when he got beat up by Katniss after admitting she was his true love. 
         In chapter 23,Peeta goes into detail on how he had always loved Katniss and was always secretly watching her and trying to find out as much as he could about her. He talked about how he thought she had an amazing voice and how his father loved her mother and pointed Katniss out to him for the very first time.
       After reading this, it made me feel so bad for Peeta because no one ever thought much of him and still no one does. I think that Peeta deserves more credit for all that he does because he has done a lot.
       Overall, I feel that Peeta should be given a chance because he is such a sweet boy who has done a lot without being regognized.