Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This is my Government Spending letter:)

San Diego, CA 92131

January 20, 2012

Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Barack Obama,

I believe that the government should slow down on spending and use the money on more useful things such as education and poverty instead of wasting it on things that just get us in to debt and trouble.

First of all, the things that our government spends our money on are the main cause of why we are in this financial crisis. If we were to spend it on more reasonable things, then our country as a whole will majorly improve. For example, it costs about $78.95 a day to keep a criminal behind bars when it only costs about $10 per day to send a child to college. Think about it, would you rather spend the money on crooks who go around causing mischief or on a child who has worked hard though elementary, junior high, and high school and needs the supportive money? I sure know what my choice would be.

Second off, our tax money is sometimes used for good causes, however the money usually goes over board or past the budget. For instance, the Iraq war helped protect our land, although, the budget was around $60 billion and we spent a total of $3 trillion! Another situation was your family vacation. Of course you deserve a vacation, especially since you’re the president, but spending $1,474,200 is just a little bit too much. Or the tobacco settlement when we ended up using $206 billion dollars (which could have been used to build multiple homeless shelters). So in other words, it’s nice that the money is used for good things, but maybe you could keep an eye out for how much money is spent.

Lastly, our country is in so much debt and trouble, yet it seems as if the government doesn't care and just goes on making things worse. Ever since around 2009, we have been in debt somewhere around $14 trillion dollars and for quite some time we have been taking lots of our tax money and giving it to foreign countries (about $300 billion dollars just recently). But what is most confusing is that we have been giving food, health, and other supplies to places like Africa when really, we are the ones who need it. In each state there are thousands of homeless and starving people yet here we are helping out other places before we help ourselves.

Overall, the way that our government is spending money is negatively affecting this country. So in order for this to end, we need you to think twice before you let a law go through and consult with Congress about how to provide for America.




  1. i LOVE it! i am sending one to the president to and i think your's might be better!!!

  2. Ella, your letter is really good. I like how you had a lot information and facts. :D
