Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family Cooking Photo Essay

(I used some cream to make the whipped cream)
(I then added 1/4 a cup of sugar)
(Next I whipped it up)

(Then added some pistachio pudding)

(and some mango with a banana)

(The end)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie Review

We just recently watched the Hunger Games as a field trip after reading the book in class. I feel that in many ways the story was way better than the film.

First of all, the way that the book described district 12 was a coal based run down dark place but in the movie it seemed to have a bright country feel to it. I also felt like the people were a little to cheerful in the movie, rather than them being depressed like I pictured. Also the people in the district such as Katniss and her family are supposed to be starved and hungry but in the movie they looked pretty well fed. There were also some scenes such as the reaping were it was by far nothing like I imagined. I thought it would be a place where everyone is murmuring and whispering and hushing and pacing around in nervousness and I thought it would be high tech since it takes place in the future.Though instead, it was quite and awkward and the setting was really plain and it just felt like a home video because of the shakey camera and no background noise.

Another major thing was the scenes they left out. There were so many that I can't name them all. One scene was with the Avox girl which in the movie, they completely left her out. She was a girl who was trying to exscape, got caught, and became a servant for Katniss. One scene that I was rely looking forward to was when Haymitch fell off the stage at the reaping because that woe of added some humors and added some action to the plain setting.

However, what really bugs me is that they wasted so much time on things that weren't important or didn't even happen in the book. For example, they spent about five minutes showing Katnis in her room at the Capitol while they could of been showing something way interesting and eye catching.

Overall, they did a pretty good job on the movie especially with the main character actors, however they could of done better. They should of added more favorable scenes rather than bland situations and they should of related to the book. So honestly, I would much rather prefer the book over the movie.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The Great Wall Of China

Today in class we watched a video on the Great wall of China. I was able to refresh past information and I was able to learn two new things. First of all, a learned that the wall wasn't built all at once, it was actually a connection of all ready made pieces. I also learned that the myth that you can see the Great Wall from space is not true. I think that makes since though because it is only as tall as some building which obviously cant be seen. I'm glad we could watch this video because thios is a really interesting topic!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

24 Hour Photo Diet

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The Hunger Games Ch. 22-24

            How do you feel about the character at this point in the book?
Right now, my heart is beginning to soften up towards Peeta. I feel that ever since the beginning of the reaping he has always been used and neglected and turned away from the time his mom said she thought district twelve would have a winner when she was talking about Katniss to the time when he got beat up by Katniss after admitting she was his true love. 
         In chapter 23,Peeta goes into detail on how he had always loved Katniss and was always secretly watching her and trying to find out as much as he could about her. He talked about how he thought she had an amazing voice and how his father loved her mother and pointed Katniss out to him for the very first time.
       After reading this, it made me feel so bad for Peeta because no one ever thought much of him and still no one does. I think that Peeta deserves more credit for all that he does because he has done a lot.
       Overall, I feel that Peeta should be given a chance because he is such a sweet boy who has done a lot without being regognized.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Hunger Games Ch.19-21

What does the author do an excellent job of? Why?
"Claudius Templesmith’s voice booms down from overhead, congratulating the six of us who remain. But he is not inviting us to a feast. He’s saying something very confusing. There’s been a rule change in the Games. A rule change! That in itself is mind bending since we don’t really have any rules to speak of except don’t step off your circle for sixty seconds and the unspoken rule about not eating one another. Under the new rule, both tributes from the same district will be declared winners if they are the last two alive. Claudius pauses, as if he knows we’re not getting it, and repeats the change again. The news sinks in. Two tributes can win this year. If they’re from the same district. Both can live. Both of us can live. Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name."
I think the author did a great job at adding suspense to the whole story by adding this paragraph. I like how she worked hard to come up with a way to make the readers happy after all the depression from the Games. I think it was very smart of her to do this because it now gets the reader more involved and, as I did, it forces them to want to read on.
After this situation, I think the book will be much more interesting now that Katniss will either partner up with her enemy and take advantage of this rule change or she will drop it and go after Peeta. I enjoy this new rule because it gives the book a twist that I would of never of expected. It also adds more adventure to the story that you wouldn't see in any other. 
Also, the way that the author explained this arouses a very dramatic feel to it but at the same time gets readers pumped. I'm now super excited to see if Katniss teams up or not. So what do you think?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Hunger Games Ch. 16-18

What has happened in the story to cause a character to change?
Just recently in the story, as Katniss and Rue were trying to destroy the careers food. Katniss, after sometime of waiting, set out to find Rue. That was when she heard the scream. Rue had been killed by the boy from district one!
I think that this will definently cause Katniss to change in many ways. Since Katniss had a friend during the games, it caused her to feel a sense of calmness and comfort, but now that Rue is gone, all of the safety will vanish. She will have no one to talk with or rely on to protect her. She will have no one to question who is left or who they should go after. From now on its just Katniss and Katniss alone.
Also, now that someone has killed Rue, it has probably reminded Katniss what the Hunger Games truly is (a place of murder and hatred.) She is probably now going to be a lot more vicious to the other tributes in order to get revenge. However it will also remind her that there still is hope because Rue showed her that it is possible to make friends in such a dreadful game.

24 Hour Diet

Here is a link to my spreadsheet that shows my diet for 24 hours.

Here is a summary of my nutrition information
Total Calories:1,271.5 grams 
Carbohydrates: 154.6 grams
Fat : 36.7 grams
Protein: 35.3 grams

1. How does your total calories compare to the recommended 2000 calories per day? 
Each day I only eat about 60% of recomended calories for my age group. So that means that if I keep up eating this way I will probaly not have much energy day to day.

2. What time of day do you eat most of your calories - morning, afternoon or evening? 

I definently eat most of my food during evening because during breakfast I am rushed to go to school and during lunch I normally hang out with friends rather than eat so I eat most of my calories during dinner. 

3. What does your answer to question #2 imply about your long term health? 

Since I don't eat much calories during breakfast or lunch I will not have any energy so I will be lazy all day. Then, when it comes to dinner I will stock up on all of the calories that I didn't gain earlier so then I will change those calories to fat.

4. Describe how many minutes you exercise per day and what activities you engage in on a regular basis. I sometimes walk down to the park and run around with my brother for about an hour and the park is half a mile away from my house so thats one mile from there and back.

5. Use the internet to find out how many calories you burn doing the activities you listed in #4. Considering that the average person burns about 2000 calories per day without doing any extra exercise, how many total calories do you think you burn each day? I burn around 1,000 calories a day and an additional 500 on Mondays since I do hip hop.

6. What is the most important thing that you can change about your diet or lifestyle to improve your long term health? I think I should eat more healthy food and excersise more. I also shouldn't go to bed on a full tummy because that will prevent me from keeping fit.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Hunger Games Ch. 13-15

What has happened in the book that seems important to the story?
In chapters 13 through 15, there were a lot of things that had occurred. However,there was one thing that I think will be very important to the story; When Katniss became allies with Rue.

Katniss was in the woods as she was cautiously treating her burns from the fire outburst with the medicine given by her sponsors. She then began to hear rustling in the leaves and realized that Rue had followed her. They then talked and became close friends.

I think that this can change the story because Katniss now has someone to rely on and care for her. For example, when they first met they were able to exchange ointments for their wounds and they were able to give each other comfort and a bit of happiness for once. They also trusted one another and thought of plans to work together in order for the other tributes to suffer (particularly the careers). Like when they helped each other out to destroy the other contestant’s food.

this can be bad for Katniss because sooner or later one of them is going to have to kill the other. If they become to close than they won't be able to complete the task. Also, now the other tributes are going to want to kill two birds with one stone so they may experience a lot of attackers. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Hunger Games Ch. 10-12

  • What does the author do an excellent job of? Why? What quotes demonstrate this?
At the end of chapter 11, The author did something that really caught my attention. She wrote,(An argument breaks out among the careers until one tribute silences the others. "We're wasting time! I'll just go finish her and let's move on!" I almost fell out of the tree.The voice belongs to Peeta.) 

Right now in the story,
 the games have just begun and as Katniss was hiding up in a tree, a girl came along and started a fire, causing tributes to go after her. While Katniss was listening she realized that Peeta was one of them and he was going to finish the girl off. This really shocked me because I would have never guessed that Peeta would join such a cruel team of people.

By writing this,
the author adds some kind of thought provoking twist. It leaves the reader thinking about the situation and it also sucks them into the book to understand more. When I first read this it made the book come to life and brought in some confusion, which I wanted to solve.

I think it was clever
 for the author to do this because it changes the readers perspective of Peeta and makes them realize the characters' actions more. It also made me smile because from then on I could tell that Katniss was going to head after them because she wants to know why he would turn against his own word and end up with the most vicious group of tributes.

The Hunger Games Ch. 8-9

What character, idea, person, attitude, etc. do you really like? Why?

"I don't think it is going to work out. Winning… won't help in my case," says Peeta."Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystified. Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. "Because… she came here with me."

During Peeta's interview with the host,Caesar Flickerman, he is questioned on and on about who his crush is and in the conversation Caesar states that if he wins then he surly would get the girl. Then, Peeta replies with the strangest words by admitting that winning wouldn't work because the one he loves is Katniss!!!

This was so shocking and exciting to me and it caused me to love Peeta. I'm so glad that he said that because it causes a lot of suspense for the reader especially since their love can't be forever since sooner or later they have to kill each other. It also makes you want to read on to find out how Katniss reacts and if they end up together. 

Also, it made me happy because now katniss will have some one to rely on during the games and it will help them recieve sponsors since the the audience loves the romance. I'm so glad that the author added this scene because it fills my heart with excitement!!!

The Hunger Games Ch. 1-7

Is there something that has happened so far that reminds you of another character, book, or movie? Why?

There was a a few sections of the book that really reminded me of the movie "The City of Ember". One section was when they mentioned that Katniss' Father had died in a mining explosion, that reminds me of "The City of Ember" because in the movie one of the main characters (Doon) works down in the mines. Also, the whole book and movie has a gloomy and melancholy tone and feel to it. They also both have times where there is no power or electricity to support them, leaving them with their sedentary mother and grandmother. They each have a young girl who is left to support their family (Katniss and Lina), a boy who is close friends with the girl (Gale and Doon) and a younger sister (Prim and Poppy, who each of the girls love and care for).

Another book that is similar to "The Hunger Games" is "The Giver". For example,they both (also alike "The City of Ember") have dull and desperate lives filled with no true happiness. Also, the main characters are each chosen to go out and face many trials and impasses, Katniss has to attend in the Hunger Games, and Jonas has to become the Giver (someone who takes in all the feelings of pain and happiness from the people of the city). One other thing is that in "The Giver", the main Character (Jonas) also has a little sister (Lily) who he loves and would die for.Both of the main characters of each story have more if a mature sense of mind and they each know that there is no escape from where they live in less they want to put their family's life on the line.

Overall, the movie, "The City of Ember", and the book , "The Giver" both relate to the book "The Hunger Games". They all three seem to connect in different ways and they all give off the same feel for the characters.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Applied Mathematics Semester Review

Last semester in our 7th grade math class, I learned plenty of things. However, there was one lesson that I learned and never will forget, how to do a Fermi Math Problem!

My question was How much time will I spend walking up and down the staircases from now until I'm 22 years old. So first, I found that it takes me about 15 seconds to go both up and down the steps and I do that around 20 times every day. Next, I calculated how many seconds it takes me every day (20*15= 300 seconds). Then, I found out that from now untill I'm 22 is 10 years and 300 seconds times 365 days per year equals 109,500 seconds. Next, I multiplied 109,500 seconds by 10 years and got 1,095,000 seconds. Finally, I took 1,095,000 seconds divided by 60 and got 18,250 minuets and then divided that by 60 and got…                                                             
304 hours walking up and down the steps!!

I'm glad that I was able to learn how to solve those problems because in real life this could really come in handy for things such as how much money you can spend a year or how long it will take you to college in order for you to earn a job. Thank you Wes for teaching me this wonderful skill!!! (The difference between applied and theoretical math is that applied math is is when you put what you learned to practical use rather than just studying it.) 

Ten Terms and Formulas Learned Last Semester
Area = ½b × h
b = base
h = vertical height
Area = a2
a = length of side
Area = w × h
w = width
h = height
Area = b × h
b = base
h = vertical height
Trapezoid (US)
Trapezium (UK)
Area = ½(a+b) × h
h = vertical height
Area = Ï€r2
r = radius
Area = Ï€ab
Area = ½r2θ 
r = radius
θ = angle in radians
Volume of a cylinder
Percent Change Formula

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pea Growth Rate Experiment

In Wes' math class we began planting peas. For our expieriment, we decided to grow two different varieties of pea plants, the Oregon Sugar Pod ll (OSP2) and the Mammoth Melting Snap (MMS). We started planting them on Jan. 13 and after they sprouted (sometime around Jan. 17) we began collecting data to later discover each of their growth rates. We measured the heights of each plant every other day than placed the information on a "Pea Experiment Data sheet" that we had created in our Science Journals. Afterwards, we gathered our information with several other students and averaged our two different plant growth rates on a spreadsheet created on our Google documents account. Finally, we put it all together and ended up with our lovely "Pea Variety Growth Rate Chart" (as seen above).

STAR Test Math

After working on the STAR practice math questions in Wes' seventh grade class, I learned many new things. For example, three things in class that I learned a lot about were exponents and how to multiply, divide, and add them.

Multiplying Exponents
When you multiply exponents (as seen in the picture above), you take the two exponent numbers and add them together, then you take the answer and hang it over the base number. For example: 
Click here for a very helpful video on multiplying exponents!

Dividing Exponents
When you divide exponents (as seen in the picture above), you take the two exponent numbers and then subtract them, next you take the answer and hang it over the base number. For example: 
Watch a great video on dividing exponents here.

Adding Exponents

When you add exponents, you first must find the answer of the two exponents put together, then you hang it over the base number. For instance, 
(x3)(x4) = (xxx)(xxxx) 
Click here to watch a video on adding exponents.

Learning this information was very helpful because not only will it help me succeed on the test, but it will also help me in real life situations. For more information on variables with exponents click here.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tomorrow-Cast 2032

In Wes' seventh grade Math and Science  class, we are learning about what challenges or growths organisms will face in the year 2032. My topic for this discussion is on Government spending and how they are spending too much of our needed money on ridiculous things. I believe that at the rate were going, us humans will have barely any power or say in where our money is spent by 2032. By then our homeless will have increased by many while all the people who never had to worry will be doing great because they don't need the government. As they say "the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer". I think that if we can get a president who confidently takes our advice on where we believe the money should go (to those in poverty rather than wars we know we will win) then America would be a better place for the future. (The organisms that are most affected by government spending are humans, Homo sapiens, because all of the money that we are used to having for roads and support will be gone!) During the process of research I stumbled upon a few words that are important to Know…

1.)Economy-the management of the resources of a communitycountry,etc., especially with a view to its productivity.
2.)Revenue- the income of a government from taxation, excise duties,customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment ofthe public expenses.
3.)Interest- a business, cause, or the like in which a person has a share,concern, responsibility, etc.
4.)Deficit- the amount by which a sum of money falls short of therequired amount.
5.)Republican- a state in which the supreme power rests in the body ofcitizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representativeschosen directly or indirectly by them.
6.)Democrat- a person who believes in the political or social equality ofall people.
7.)Tax- a sum of money demanded by a government for its supportor for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes,property, sales, etc.
8.)Fiscal- use of government expenditure to influence economic development
9.)Gross Public Debt- the total dollar amount of public and private financial liability in a country. It excludes internal debt between public sector units.
10.)Pensions- an arrangement to provide people with an income when they are no longer earning a regular income from employment.